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Capturing Moments, Creating Memories: Our Clients Share Their Stories

Discover what our valued clients have to say about their extraordinary photoshoots with us. From breathtaking landscapes to intimate portraits, hear firsthand accounts of how we've turned their visions into stunning realities.

Testimony #41
Dicky and Bum (Beijing Prewedding)

This memory is only as good as the photographs. There are only a limited number of times in your adulthood that you can howl at the moon, and wedding is one of those few occasions. That’s why we had been trying so hard at looking for a professional photographer. After months of researching, we found Daniel Tam Ka Nam. Unfortunately it was too late for our big day on 12/12/12 as he has been booked by others already. Luckily, he can take our pre-wedding set! We decided to go to Beijing, the cultural centre of China where beautiful places and ancient architectures can be located. To be honest, I was a bit worried before the trip as I didn’t have any experience on posing. I have to say “thanks a lot” to @Danial Tam Photography for 100000 times (I think it’s still not enough! hahaha). Daniel had helped me on that a lot. He is very friendly and was being very helpful on posing and showing us where the best locations are. Needless to say, the results were incredible. Actually I don’t need to tell, as you can prove it from our photos!!!! How wonderful they are! Thank u, Daniel, again, for creating such beautiful.

Testimony #42
Josephine and Thomas (Pregnancy)

Hi Daniel,這些說話一直在我心中一年,今日終於趁Kady訓了找到些時間給你寫post 一年前你幫我影的大肚相,好多朋友都大讚”靚,型,sexy”,我間唔中都會拎返出黎睇,今日Kady生日會揀相做成長片段,再睇返D相,仍然覺得好靚! 我好感謝你幫我彌補遺憾,特意為我準備的所有同時間,令我擁有一輯滿意而又靚靚既大肚相。我亦要多謝你的專業團隊,令我做了一陣子的靚媽model, thanks you all so much!! 我祝你生意興隆,接order接到手軟

Testimony #43
Stephanie and Dion (Florence Prewedding)

Our pre-wedding pictures taken at Firenze came back! Heart felt appreciation to Daniel Tam Ka Nam and the crew for such wonderful and artistic pictures. We love every single one of them, and the shoot was and will continue to be a very memorable experience to us. Great things are happening in the coming 3 months, and we look forward to celebrating such an important occasion with our dearest friends and families in the UK and HK. Extremely blessed with an eventful day surrounded by warm-hearted people, the talented photographer Daniel Tam Ka Nam and the attentive crew. We knew beforehand we would be in great hands regardless of any change of weather, and their professional and impeccable skills on the day surpass any of our expectations. They are willing to go above and beyond just to get the perfect picture, and we are sure that the outcome will be great with so much hearty effort put into every single shot! Heart felt appreciation for capturing such an important stage of our lives.

Testimony #44
Heidi and Stanley (Prague, London Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

Thank you Daniel for taking my pre wedding and wedding day photos! I had a great time working with him! He is such a professional and experienced photographer, especially for the overseas wedding photography. I was very impressed when I first had the appointment with Daniel. His portfolio was stunning as he showed a totally different style from other photographers, even with the same backdrop or views. Also, I appreciate his passion in photography. He is an artist who has his own aesthetics and limitless new ideas, but he would still respect our opinions and preferences. We took our pre wedding shot in Praque and London. Overseas photography was not an easy task as there was so much to care other than the skills of the photographer, such as the weather, transportation and time constraints. We appreciated Daniel and his crew. They were so familiar with the environment and gave swift responses in whatever situations. There was a point that we were in a church where we only had five minutes to take the shots. With dim light inside the church, Daniel still managed to capture the best angles in such a short time. Also, we were then forbidden to take photos on a bridge during a rainy night. Everything seemed messy at that time, but Daniel turned out made his photos in a distinctive, greyish style. He also recommended us to stand in the middle of the road with cars passing by next to us. I remembered that was freezing in the midnight. On one hand, Daniel had to set his equipment quickly. At the same time, he needed to give us clear instructions to strike poses. The photos turned out to be very elegant and eye-catching. He is indeed a humorous and friendly person. Therefore, during my big day in Four Seasons Hotel, he did cheer up my family. At the mean time, he caught the best timing to capture the natural smiles on their faces. What gave us the biggest surprise was the photos for our parents. I will never forget their joyful faces in the video Daniel made. Matching perfectly with the moving background music, the video made the audience so delightful and the moment was the climax on that day. Once again, we are happy to have Daniel as our friend. I would definitely recommend Daniel to our friends. And we will see each other again soon in my sister’s wedding!

Testimony #45
Red and Anson (Hong Kong Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

有人覺得婚紗攝影是可有可無,隨便拍拍也是一樣,反正到最後相簿還是會往「床下底」裡去。 但正好我和另一半的意向也很一致地覺得這是對我們整個婚禮過程中極具意義和紀念價值的事!所以我和另一半也十分重視這一環! 我們經歷過一次台灣拍婚照的不愉快經歷後,決心要在香港再拍一次!今次真的不容有失! 在網路世界,云云眾多的資訊下,找了很多間店參考,然而令我倆也著迷的,就只有一間!再找到別的也不為所動!收費對我們來說,並不便宜,簡直是有點奢侈呢! 其實資金也很緊咄的!我們不是有錢人,沒有很多的資金去籌辦婚禮,但我們決定要找一家比較好的再拍,便只好在別的地方慳d使吧! 倆口子在一起,最重要是意向一致吧? 見面時,DANIEL先講解一下他的拍攝手法,大家先了解一下。然後我們回家再決定拍照日期,地點等等。我們也忙著四處去尋找合適的服飾,因為Package本身是沒有包服裝的,客人可自行選擇自己喜好的服飾。 起初,我們選擇的都是在戶外拍的,但由於天文台預測當天會落雨(正常情況是可以七天前取消,改日子的)但固執的我倆,就是不相信天文台的預測(很多時候都不太準確),決定要如期拍攝,當然固執是要付出代價的…..我們都會擔心,萬一真的落大雨,選擇拍攝的地點都在戶外的話,怎拍呢?所以我們亦有準備另一計劃,預訂了一間酒店套房作後備。 期待已久,終於到影相當日,我地一早大包細包坐的士出發到預約地點等候,當時天晴,諗住無死喇,天公造美,掂喇!當到約定時間到達時我地就見到攝影師出現喇,非常準時。打點好場地問題就開始化妝準備,換好衫後化妝師就開始幫女友化妝,期間有講有笑,我倆都放鬆心情,無第一次台灣攝影嘅緊張感覺,因為一早已經同攝影師溝通過,已經大致講過會點影,唔似台灣的一直說懂。 正當妝就快化好之時,窗外突然落起滂沱大雨,我倆即時目定口呆,幸好早有準備,只是女友不能影到藍天白雲,始有點失望。 攝影開始,Daniel起初不斷試唔同角度同位置,教我地啲手呀頭呀應該點放,以及同我地講下笑,盡量幫我地笑得自然,當過左段時間,喺會所嘅相都影得七七八八,當時我倆在旁睇初步嘅相已經非常滿意。 由於午飯過後,仍然落著毛毛細雨,我地一行人唯有繼續向準備好的酒店出發,當入房時望向窗外,發現雨過天晴,仲見到雲烽間出現耶穌光,以為轉運喇,立時Daniel 又同我倆個一齊癲,話要飛奔上摩星嶺影雲。 當我地極速換妝換衫就立即出發,到達目的地仍然有段路要再往上走,辛苦哂Daniel , R同C Long,搬住咁多器材陪我地上山搵景影相。 正當大家準備好器材,搵好角度試好光,我地埋位開始影相,影左好幾張就聽到背後遠處傳來聲響,原來一道雨幕直奔過來,我地唯有到涼亭內避雨,正當以為萬事皆休之際,Daniel冒住大雨走出去,話睇下搵唔搵到位可以照影,於是身影步出兩三米外,消失於雨幕之中,當時心諗,唔係嘛,玩到咁盡,我無諗過佢會咁專業,我自己都會諗打份工,無理由唔避雨嘛,我欣賞佢對自己影相嘅堅持。 雖然最後,因為雨勢太大,未能影到更多的相,但在此環境仍有不少令我倆喜出望外的驚喜相片。夜幕低垂,雨勢轉弱,於是決定先回酒店整理一下,便開始在酒店影室內景,小小房間,想不到可以影出那麼多不同感覺相片,而且經過了大半天合作,氣氛亦比朝早時更輕鬆。到傍晚時份,天氣又再次轉晴,Daniel主動問我要不要再去西九海濱長廊探險,看看能否影多點外景,猶豫了一會兒,心諗攝影師都不怕辛苦,無理由自己怕嘛,就決定膽粗粗再出去冒險一遍,幸好這次一直放晴,而且一整天大雨,令霧霾一掃而空,沿路一直拍拍拍,終於可以影到多點外景相,令當日原本滂沱大雨而掃興的感覺,在大家努力下都能愉快及完滿地完成當日的拍攝,再次多謝Daniel及他的攝影團隊。

Testimony #46
Suki and Mac (Hong Kong Wedding Day)

Hi Daniel,多謝你能夠當我們的婚禮攝影師,欣賞你和你的團隊對工作的熱誠⋯雖然我們們次不是找你替我們拍攝prewedding的(全因認識得你們太遲了),但我完全感受到你這攝影達人的創意程度,當你能夠找到週邊環境可以觸發到你的拍攝靈感時,你是無比的興奮⋯謝謝你替我們家人留下最chok最感人的一刻,令全場氣氛高漲⋯一生人一次的婚禮,是你替我們留下美好回憶的⋯無言感激!

Testimony #47
Debbi and Dickson (Hong Kong Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

Daniel helped us to shoot for pre-wedding and wedding day and the products are so good! We found Daniel after seeing his work from his Facebook page. What impressed us the most was that we could directly make appointment to him instead to the salesman, which was a friendlier practice than that of the big company. He suggested us some attractive locations for the shooting. More than that, his style of the photos is natural and beautiful. Therefore, we chose him as our photographer. We expected that the shooting experience, such us striking poses and rushing to different places within a day, would be tiring and challenging. After all, we are not professional models who are used to striking poses. But the shooting experience that Daniel gave us was the opposite! Daniel, as well as his crew, were all very humorous and talkative, which made the shooting experience fun and relaxing. He was definitely not an arrogant photographer like what I had imagined. Daniel taught us how to pose from different angles in front of the camera and even demonstrate us some ‘feminine’ poses haha! I remember we took the pre-wedding photos in April. We visited various famous spots in Hong Kong, like the peak and Tai Mo Shan. Everything, no matter for the schedule, transportation or shooting, ran smoothly. It was so happy that we even bought some street food to Tai Mo Shan and chitchatted all along the journey. I guess it was because Daniel could capture different moments sharply and quickly, so it did not take long to finish all the shoots. Especially for the wedding day, we had a very tight schedule. He grabbed every chance to record the precious moments. In the hotel, he found an excellent spot that the whole Victoria Harbour could be captured. It was so rush that we only had 10 minutes to take some photos but they turned out to be our favorites. Most importantly, we are both satisfied for the products, including the photos, the canvas or the slideshow for the wedding. All our beloved ones, especially our mums and dads, were captured by Daniel. We know that he was busy but he was always responsible, so all the products were sent on time. We look forwards to having him as our photographer for pregnancy photos. We had such a nice experience that we will definitely refer him to our friends and families!

Testimony #48
Denise and Sirius (Family)

I really appreciate Daniel’s shooting for me and my family. They are not only lovely but also create memory for us. I have known Daniel for a long time, witnessing his interest becoming his profession. Seeing how amazing and natural his photo are, I begin asking him to take picture for me.The first time I ask him for help is my wedding day. He takes snapshot for me and they are all so natural that he seems to capture a particular moment for me with all the joy inside. Whenever I see them, I can still feel the happiness in every one of them.Then it is my family photo. Before the photoshoot, Daniel spends time with us to talk about the arrangement and gives us suggestion with his past experience. On the day of the shooting, the weather is unexpected and Tai Mo Shan becomes too cold and windy for our shooting. So Daniel immeidately comes with another suggestion of switching the venue to Nam Sang Wai. The place turns out to be excellent. Throughout the whole process, Daniel is as professional as always but at the same time, his humour eliminates the chance of this seriousness intimidating us. He is also very patient and goes along with my daughter that she gets lots of fun throughout the process. He does not capture the happiness for us but creating it for us. The third time he helps us is when a new family member enters our family. Taking a photo for her must be very big challenge as she always cries and does not sleep. However, Daniel can always find the moment to take the best photo. Unlike the ordinary sleeping baby photo, he tries other pose with her. All the photo impress us. I hope that when my children grow up, Daniel will continue to take photo for us as to capture all the special moments in our lives.

Testimony #49
Phoebe and Desmond (Hong Kong Prewedding +
Wedding Day)

My husband and I have a great devotion to the natural environment. That’s why long before I meet Daniel, I am fascinated by his outdoor wedding photos shown on Facebook. Once I decide to get married, I immediately fetch his help for my pre-wedding and wedding photo. Daniel is very thoughtful that at the beginning, he shows us albums of photo to choose from as for reference of styles and atmosphere so that it is easier for us to choose our pre-wedding shooting venues. Finally, we have 3 places for the outdoor shooting, Tai Mo Shan, Ha Pak Lai and Central. Tai Mo Shan is somewhere Daniel recommends to us, Ha Pak Lai is where we have a good time watching the sunset and Central, an entire contrast of the countryside chosen for the first two places. We really love the idea till today, especially for the photo taken in Ha Pak Lai. They are not only beautiful, but also reminds us the time we spent there. We really appreciate Daniel’s detail-mindedness as he has organized a plan on where to go as to make the best use of the time. He also does not mind, providing me a lot of helpful ideas for my clothes before the shooting. His advice might be very straight forward or even not my first choice. However, looking back, I am very glad that I take those advices or else I might regret it. On the day of our shooting, the weather is melting. However, Daniel is dedicated as ever. At the beginning of the shooting, my husband and I do not really know how to deal with the camera, but with Daniel’s instruction and humor, we relaxed a lot and get into the mood very easily. All the photo turns out to be very pretty and reveals a lot about us. Our big day venue is Intercontinental Hong Kong, it’s on Christmas Eve. We are so thankful that he is willing to spend this holiday with us and also really appreciate him to be a Santa Claus, bringing back the heavy equipment to office after party end. Throughout the day, I am so busy that I do not have enough time to talk to every single one in the wedding. However, I can feel all their blesses in the video taken by Daniel. It is so sweet that Daniel make a slide-show of our parents and us like the happiness being passed from them to us. Even now, whenever I watch it again, my tear just bursts out. Daniel, thank you again for your great work. We hope to have you saving all the important moments in our life.

Testimony #50
Vivian and Victor (Paris 2 Days Prewedding + Hong Kong 
Wedding Day)

Daniel was not only my photographer, but also a friend of mine. It is such a coincidence that he has the same last name as that of my husband. I always think that we meant to become friends and work together well in both my pre wedding and big day photo-taking. I recalled that I found his work on Facebook. Daniel was a famous wedding photographer in Hong Kong and I finally figured out the reason after reading his profile. His style was different from the other. Usually photographers like to create dreamy and romantic atmosphere for pre wedding photos, but Daniel, on the opposite, tends to project strong and overwhelming visual effects in his photos. Travelling so far to shoot my pre wedding photos in Paris, France, I was hoping to create a unique album and no one could finish it as perfect as what Daniel did. We were so lucky that the weather at that time was so great. It was not too hot but with sufficient sunlight, giving the best natural colour of the photos. We shot on all those famous tourist spots, such as Eiffel tower and Louvre Museum. Daniel was giving his 100% to shoot at the best angles. He would lie on the floor or climbed up on the stairs for a perfect with the pedestrians not showing in the photos. Meanwhile, he gave us useful and clear tips to strike poses, such as the ways to place our legs so as to pose naturally elegantly. Those are the skills I can use in my everyday life! After working with Daniel, I was so confident for inviting Daniel to be the photographer for our Big Day in W Hong Kong. Everything ran smoothly as I expected. He captured the most precious moments on that day. What impressed us the most was that he took excellent pictures for our siblings. They could not be ‘cooler’ by showing their most stylistic poses! Although the schedule was so tight which lasted until midnight that we could not take photos next to the swimming pool in the hotel, Daniel still managed well to capture the most beautiful and shining moments in my life. I would definitely introduce him to my friends and relatives. I am hoping to have him for my pregnancy shoot in the near future. It is great to have you as my friend, Daniel!

Testimony #51
Ling and Ks (Studio Prewedding)

We take our pre-wedding photo with Daniel in the Studio with my dog and this is surely one of the cleverest decisions made. Our first knowledge of Daniel is form Facebook. His photos fascinated us. We decide to have him as our pre-wedding photographer when we decide not to have something ordinary but with different angles. Before the shooting, Daniel provides us with excellent advice on our clothes, make-up and styles. It is heartwarming that he has many demo photograph which we can choose from. In this way, it is easier for us to tell him what exactly do we want and for him to understand our need. The whole shooting process is very comfortable for us. Instead of stiff and formal which are the common impression of studio, Daniel’s studio is more like a home to us. It helps us to relax and reveal ourselves. Besides, you can tell how experienced Daniel is when he instructs our pose. Since we are not professional models, it is hard for us to think of any pose. However, Daniel helps us with not only professional instruction with a little bit of humor. Some of the pose we do are just voluntary inspired by his talk with us. He cleverly captures those natural moment of us together. We look fit and happy inside the photo without being photo edited. As mentioned, we have brought our dog along with us. Originally, it is our concern whether it will be difficult to take any picture of it as it likes moving around. However, we would really love it to be involved in this important moment in our life as it means a family member to us. Our dog just looks amazing as it is always attracted to the camera. Thank you for these. We really love the pictures and hope Daniel will help us with our baby’s photo soon.

Testimony #52
Mandy and Raymond (Venice 2 Days Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

Thank you for Daniel’s good work in Venice for our pre wedding photography. They are as good as the others that we view on Facebook. Before the trip, Daniel is willing to spend a lot of time communicating with us on what we want and how we can prepare for what we want such as the style of clothes and other things. Although he has been there for more than one time, he is still very dedicated in looking for the most suitable location in Venice according to our request. The two-day trip is full of fun. We went to a very grand Hotel called Hotel Danieli. It is very beautiful. The setting is classic and luxurious like most of the other architects in Europe, but more mysterious than the others we encounter. Since there are many symmetrical elements inside the building, Daniel can play with the space a lot. The contrast between our modern wedding gown and the historical building also bombers some unexpected style that catch one’s eye ball. For the other photos, we took them on Burano Island, an island full of colorful houses. Compared with the photo in the hotel, they go on an easier style. The color tune is much lighter and they are much softer and livelier. Thanks to Daniel’s suggestion on how more layer of dress will look prettier in the photo. The dress turns out to fit the colorful houses on the island a lot, making me fairy living in this fairy tale. Even though we only have 2 days together in Venice, we has been to a lot of fascinating places in Venice. Daniel is always so liable and chill that he keep us always happy in the trip. We are so excited to Daniel’s good work on our big day.

Testimony #53
Jenny and Henry (Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

I met Daniel from my workplace since 2012. For the time being, he just started his career in wedding photography. I was already impressed by some of his masterpieces with outstanding quality. They look like a painting. 5 years later, I turn to a new page of life and having my once in a lifetime wedding event. My memory on his photography work has been retrieving automatically and his BIG name “Daniel Tam” was appeared from my mind. Therefore, I decided to ask for his help in more than one year in advanced. From the idea of our wedding decoration, me & my fiancé came up with the theme of four seasons for our pre-wedding photos, symbolizing the colorful life we will experience together in the future and the rest of our lives. We have been discussing with Daniel on the shooting plan. He has been very helpful and his seasoned experience in private shooting over different countries did help us to solve a lot of problems. He came up with ideas for feasible locations and shooting details on each theme very professionally. Eventually, we have decided to go for red autumn leaves in the southern part of New Zealand for the theme of autumn and catch the snow in Shirakawa-go, Japan for the theme of winter. Daniel was so dedicated throughout the whole shooting process from art direction, planning, site inspection and shooting arrangement. For one example out-of the many, Daniel went to New Zealand a few days in advanced to conduct site inspection on his own to identify suitable shooting locations, which led us a more efficient itinerary with a better plan from spot to spot and speeded up the whole shooting process eventually. He showed us the pictures on each spot he explored for our options. He was a really professional photographer. One of the most unforgettable experience was that we came across the melting of snow in Japan which has resulted in a dramatic decrease in temperature that made us a very difficult situation during the shooting. To a perfectionist like Daniel, he ignored how wet and freezing was the snow ground, and lay down on the floor to take some brilliant pictures for us. It really touches me from my bottom of heart. I believe that one of the concerns for most women is how we look in the photos. Are we in a good body shape? I do not need to worry a bit about it in the whole shooting process because Daniel provided an excellent and professional guidance on what kind of gowns I should pick and what pose does help the bodyline. He took really good care of us not only in the photo shooting but also in mental. Another concern I had in the shooting was the feeling of my fiancé during the shooting. Like many other men do, he does not like taking photos even in his daily life. Daniel was very thoughtful and considerate. He suggested us to take a studio shooting to get some practice on posing and get a feel of wedding shoot before the overseas trips. For those overseas trips, he always help us to make a good plan on the shooting duration and changeover as to minimize the shooting time of my fiancé and keep him in a relaxing mood most of the time. Last but not least, I appreciate the professional work from Daniel and his team. They are dedicated and passionate in photography. Even without any editing on the photos, they all look good enough for display. I am looking forward to Daniel’s good work on my big day. I hope Daniel will also enjoy my wedding day because we are already good friends.

Testimony #54
Josephine and Simon (Pregnancy + Newborn)

The idea of having pregnancy photo shooting came to my mind spontaneously. It suddenly struck me that it would be a great idea to capture this precious moment in my life. The name “Daniel Tam” popped up in mind as I have seen photography of my friends done by him. I contacted him without hesitation. Daniel is generous enough to let me squeeze in his already packed schedule as I would be delivering the baby at any time. Even though it was a short notice for him, the communication between us was efficient and effective. Daniel asked about my expectation and gave professional suggestions accordingly. He understood what I needed. He did his very best to incorporate my requests into his shooting to make the final product a satisfying one. We did the pregnancy photo shooting in his gallery. It was a whole package. The gallery was spacious with different backdrops available. Props and makeup service were included so all I had to do was literally to be there. I and my husband were a bit stiff and shy at first but Daniel was professional in giving direction. He was also a nice person to talk to. He is a father of a little girl as well so there were a lot to talk about between us. The relaxing atmosphere enabled us to show the most genuine smile in front of the camera. As for the family shooting, Daniel and his professional team were nice enough to come to my home for the shooting, as it would be a bit difficult to carry my newborn baby around. He literally brought several crates along in which different props and towels for baby-caring were stored. Daniel was adaptive. He used curtain to cover the window as to control the lighting that fit best at that moment. Primitive setting did not bar him from producing excellent work. Sometimes my baby would cry during the shooting, Daniel was able to capture this, as I would name it “imperfect perfection”, with his professionalism. I am really happy about the photography that Daniel has done for me. Once again a big thank you! He is the one if you are looking for someone to capture the big moment in your life.

Testimony #55
Kaman (Pregnancy)

I contacted Daniel after rummaging part of his photography on his Facebook page. His style captivated me. We exchanged ideas through Facebook. I presented him some other pregnancy photography in order to better illustrate my thought. I was particularly amazed by the fact that he could actually present all the elements I wanted from that example in a completely different way. Of course the last thing he would do was solely duplicating from that example. He could do it with his own style merged in. I was really chuffed about that. It was like you didn’t need a watermark to know that it was made by Daniel Tam. I did the pregnancy photo shooting at his gallery, which was spacious and bright, an ideal place for photo shooting. I was already in the 8-month of my pregnancy by that time, I looked a bit bloated back then. Daniel was able to give relevant suggestions as to how to pose would make me look slimmer in front of the camera. Besides, I might need extra time for changing as it was not easy to do so with an oversized belly. I was not very nimble because of the same reason. Daniel was really patient and understanding in the regard. As far as I can remember, even though the shooting took quite a long time, Daniel was nice enough to entertain all my requests to try different poses as to have the best result. I also have to mention that even though I was doing photo taking in the nude. Imagine it was challenging enough for some people to pose or be calm in front of the camera, now I had to pose for the photography NAKED! There were only I, my husband, the makeup artist and Daniel presented. Daniel ensured that no one of redundant would present during the shooting. This guaranteed privacy made comfortable enough to finish the shooting. I was delighted to see I looked natural in the photos.

Testimony #56
Vivian and Edwin (Hong Kong Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

I came across different photos made by Daniel when I was doing online research of different wedding photography packages in Hong Kong. His work was lively and gave me the impression that he was different from other photographers. This assumption was later proved to be correct on my wedding day. Daniel and his professional team were able to capture my big day in a comprehensive way. What he did was much more than pressing the shutter randomly whatever came up to him during the wedding. It was obvious that he had it well-planned in his mind beforehand. He wanted to present that day as if he was telling a story chronologically. He asked for both my parents’ and parents-in-law’s wedding photo beforehand. At the beginning of the wedding day, he asked them to sit and pose in front of the camera. They all did accordingly without much doubt in head as we thought he was just doing his job. It turned out that these photos, altogether with other photos taken during the day, was edited and made into an animation to be shown at the end of the wedding. I was particularly moved when I saw the now and then wedding photos of my parents in my own wedding ceremony. Many of my friends and guests later told me that they all had the same feeling, that the video was the peak of the day, was like a brief summary of all the laughter and tears we have been through on that day. Daniel is of course professional, there is no doubt about that. Besides that, he is a friendly person with great patience. I have been worried about stuff like the photos turn out to be dissatisfying or the color of my wedding dress would not match the backdrops in the pre-wedding day etc. Daniel was patient enough to answer all my questions personally and gave suggestions accordingly. I can tell that he tried his best to make everything work. In our conversations before the pre-wedding day, he gave a variety of suggestions from the location of the shooting to the color of my wedding dress after listening to what I want. He is enthusiastic and he takes his job seriously. Daniel is at the same time a real problem-solver. There were, of course, some unexpected occasions in the wedding day, say, I needed extra time for changing so I could not make it to the specific point for photo on time. Daniel would ask the crew to get ready there and once I was done with changing, they could proceed with the photo-taking immediately to catch up with time. He was also doing great in involving the guests. Thanks to Daniel, everything went smooth and problems could be solved almost instantly. Speaking of professionalism, I still remember the outdoor shooting on the pre-wedding day, which was like dog days of the year. Daniel and his crew were soaking wet because of the photo-taking under the scorching sun but they never complained. He is particularly good at giving guidance as for how to pose, as I and my husband were both a bit shy in front of the camera. He would just talk to you to make feel relax. He would suggest poses that fit your personality so you would not look too awkward in front of the camera. An album and canvas are included in the package. There is nothing bad I can say about them. I still have the canvas hanging in my living room. It would not be exaggerating to say that, they are not just wedding photos, but pieces of art.

Testimony #57
Teresa and Willis (Hong Kong, London, Rome Prewedding + Wales, Hong Kong Wedding Day)

It is our pleasure to work with Daniel for my prewedding and big day albums. He is extraordinarily helpful and professional, which did not only give me some perfect albums, but also give me a piece of impressive memory. He is definitely one of the best wedding photographers in Hong Kong. I knew Daniel with my friend’s referral. I was totally stunned by his unique style. His work is usually full of contrast with the light or colours, making the visual effects so vivid and eye-catching. Apart from his mature photography skills, he is also a very easy-going person to hang with. He helped us along the journey, such as giving us many useful tips about striking poses, facing the cameras or even regarding how to organize a wedding. Meanwhile, he is a very thoughtful and careful person. The service he provided me was totally out of my expectation. For my pre-wedding shots, we did not only take the photos indoor, we also went to Shek O and some landmarks in Central. The weather was so cold and unfortunately, our car got broken down! At the moment we were panicking but Daniel reacted swiftly and found us another car very soon. Therefore, we caught our schedule timely. At last, we did not only receive a piece of remembrance for the most precious moments in my life, but also made a very good friend! Thanks Daniel!

Testimony #58
Jacqueline and Kenneth (Pregnancy)

My husband and I are very happy we chose Daniel for our maternity photo shoot. Daniel was spectacular when it comes to controlling lighting to bring out our best angles and features. He was also very experienced in guiding me on how to pose and stand, so that my figure as a pregnant woman would look best in front of camera. He was very patient too as we shot the photos with our three dogs, which was not easy to say the least!

Testimony #59
Candy and Peter (Prague Prewedding)

I did not know where I should do my pre-wedding photo shooting until I saw Daniel’s work online. Those photo collections in his webpage rightly showed his expertise. They were all really impressive and I would want to have the same kind of ambience in my wedding photos. I contacted him and was glad to find that he offered oversea package. I thought to myself that, it would be a really great idea, to have the photo shooting all arranged for us and I and my husband can take it as a break to be out of Hong Kong for a while. The communication with Daniel had been easy. Besides arranging the schedule, he would also take the chance to talk to us as to get a better idea of us as individual person. He would also give opinion regarding the dresses and location of the shooting. It gave me the feeling that, it was no just photo-taking for him and we were not just taken as objects placed within the frame. He would seize the chance to get to know us more, so as to present the theme in which we would express our emotions to make the photos fit our personality. I have to say that Daniel was undoubtedly an expert in giving posing suggestions. It was all because of him that we didn’t look stiff and odd in the photos. We’d met in Prague and since the minute we arrived, we could just listen to Daniel. He had everything planned and organized. He’d told us when and where to meet for the make-up prior to the shooting. The photo shooting took place in June, even though it was already “summertime” in Europe but it was still a bit chilly at night time. This sounded a bit disheartening as we set the shooting time at 1 a.m. to avoid the crowd ( and Europe could be freezingly cold when it was without sunlight). Dan’s assistant would pose for me in front of those churches and every other building to check if the lighting and angle was alright. I would rush to replace him when everything was ready. They tried very best to shorten the time that I had to expose to the coldness as much as possible, which was really considerate and kind of sweet. I therefore felt warm most of the time. The whole shooting lasted for around 10 hours including traveling and resting time. We headed to some popular tourist sightseeing places first and later on we’d gone to somewhere a bit farther from the city center to have a bit of alternatives. I got the photos at around two month after the shooting along with an album and canvas, which were all of great quality. I liked them a lot, as well as all my friends and my family. I was glad that Daniel was punctual in fine-tuning the photography so that I could have the perfect pictures to shown in my wedding. Thank you so much once again for your great efforts!

Testimony #60
Joanna and Ken (Pregnancy)

Thank you, Daniel, for being my pregnancy photographer! It was fun working with you. I knew Daniel from one of my friends who once worked with Daniel. My attention was soon drawn by his work. At that time, I was looking for a photographer for my pregnancy album. I was not expecting something pinky and girly. Instead, I was hoping for a pregnancy album with the theme of ‘ballet’. I was quite impressed when I told Daniel about my ideas, he had immediately come up with a theme of ‘black and white swans’. Soon our shooting began. We tried different angles and postures and it was full of fun. It was like we were experimenting the possibilities of this special theme. I could see that Daniel was very enthusiastic for his work, as well as very talented and professional. He gave us many good tips in facing the camera. He played well with light and angles. Most importantly, he respected our ideas and we communicated very well. After all, no wonder the album turned out as perfect as I expected! Daniel was so into his work that he even forgot the time. We reserved him for two hours but we ended up using three hours enjoying shooting! Time flies when working with Daniel. We are hoping to meet Daniel for other photography sessions soon.



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