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Capturing Moments, Creating Memories: Our Clients Share Their Stories

Discover what our valued clients have to say about their extraordinary photoshoots with us. From breathtaking landscapes to intimate portraits, hear firsthand accounts of how we've turned their visions into stunning realities.

Testimony #21
Jessica and Tommy (Venice Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day + Newborn)

The shooting began with a perfect weather however it started pouring when we were only half way done. It was getting cold and we were about to give up. Daniel was so passionate and insisted to keep it going, very detailed to try the light and angle before taking every pic, so professional! It’s great that we found you! Thanks so much for the hard work, Daniel, Rex, Long! See you again on our wedding day. Daniel is a famous wedding photographer in Hong Kong. I came across his profile on Facebook when I was searching for a suitable photographer for my pre wedding and wedding day photographer. I actually had an appointment with another photographer after seeing Daniel. However, I was determined to hire Daniel after the first meeting with him. There were two points that Daniel impressed me the most. The first one must be the work in his portfolio. Undoubtedly, his shooting style was very unique with suitable angles and colours. I did not want to have dreamy and sweet style for my prewedding photos. Daniel’s style was exactly what I wanted. With the grand and solemn atmosphere in Europe, I wanted my photos to be strong and overwhelming. On the other hand, Daniel was a very humorous and easy-going person. During our first appointment, we found that it was very comfortable talking with him. He got very good communication skills, such as giving us clear explanation and professional suggestions without wasting any of our time. Other than that, there were many times that Daniel demonstrated his professionalism in our trip to Venice. Unfortunately, there was heavy rain at that time. But then, I was very thankful when Daniel tried his best to set the equipment in the rain with his crew to for the perfect shots. Even with the adverse weather, Daniel was still able to find the best angles and timing to capture our moments in those beautiful views. He gave us clear instructions for striking poses. Therefore, the photos turned out to be very natural and stunning even with the rain. Afterwards, we had our Big Day celebration in Grand Hyatt that Daniel was our photographer again. He was very good at capturing the natural, funny and harmonious moments in the venue, especially for our parents. We were so excited when we saw the video that showed the smiling faces of our fathers who usually look ‘serious’ when taking photos. Many of our friends asked for Daniel’s contact after the celebration! Daniel would do well in his field of passion. We are very happy to meet Daniel and so will you all. Soon we will have the new born shot with Daniel again. Once again, thank you Daniel.

Testimony #22
Irene and Rick (Venice , Prague Prewedding)

非常感謝Daniel的拍攝團隊連日來在歐洲的照顧,盡心為我們拍攝每一張相片。特別是Daniel對我這超低能⋯⋯力新娘作出的遷就,同諗爆頭為滿足CHOK爆新郎咩都型的要求。 MUA 啊LONG 也辛苦了,不單每日需要比其他人早到為我們準備,亦需要一路上兼任紗童,‘食蕉’,人肉GPS及試位Model,仲要無時無刻留意我個妝。超有型的Long,遇著我這搗蛋新娘也無皺眉,邊有新娘上好粉Set好頭帶太陽眼鏡?畫好嘴飲水?Sorry呀,因為我平時真係無化妝。 至於輝哥,加油呀!希望你可以跟Daniel環遊世界,集齊世界地圖。 你們對美的追求實在令我大開眼界,尤其是在威尼斯Gondola上影到差啲翻艇,同你們在布拉格酒店變身專業搬傢俬團隊的時候,實在佩服! 最後,在此衷心感謝你們,多謝你們為我們留下最美一刻。

Testimony #23
Naomi and TK (Hong Kong Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day + Pregnancy + Newborn)

第一次看到Daniel 的相,是在12年好姊妹的婚禮上,當時我看到姊妹的結婚相,全程在尖叫,很漂亮!很特別!很壯觀!第一次看到如此與眾不同的結婚相!由那日起,Daniel Tam 此大名,記下了!心裏跟自已說,我的結婚相,一定要找他拍! 13年,決定結婚的一刻,便馬上找Daniel book 時間影pre-wedding, 同時亦book 了big day攝影! 而我亦知道自已並沒有作錯誤決定,找Daniel 作攝影師是明智選擇!Pre-wedding 當日,Daniel 與他的crew 十分專業,化妝師Ivy 把我由巫婆變成公主!加上Daniel 的技術,相片馬上昇華(心心眼)! 看著Daniel 以及工作人員拿左重重的攝影器材,帶我倆上山下海,務求找最美的風景拍最美的相片,而全日都只吃了頓m 記,在這再次說聲不好意思還有,thank you so much!!! Pre-wedding 的相美得讓我看了再看!Big day 當日,親友們見到pre-wedding 的相片都讚口不絕!我早早便通知姊妹們,開心笑便ok 啦!有Daniel 在,準全都變大美人!而且,Daniel 把親友們的神情捕捉得十分自然,好看,全都是我想要的效果!Daniel Tam , 強!還有你的crew! 讚!!多謝你及你的crew, 讓我的婚禮變得不一樣!!

Testimony #24
Cynthia and Simon (Hong Kong Prewedding)

睇到唔願訓呀… 好多謝 Daniel Tam Ka Nam 幫我地影左輯咁靚既相! 未影之前, 真係好期待, 仲成日係咁睇佢facebook d 相, 真係好impressive, 好鐘意. 一直好期待見呢個有18萬人LIKE 既攝影師 所以影之前其實我係勁緊張. 仲記得晌拍攝前一日, 佢已經打俾我同我分析天氣狀況會係點.. 而拍攝當日都真係好似佢講咁.. 雖然因為能見度低而影唔到我期待既藍天白雲相 但佢反而利用呢樣野做出另一種意境! 仲影左一輯好靚既相添! 要做到咁一D都唔簡單. 感謝讓我們遇上你!

Testimony #25
Peggy and Andy (Japan Prewedding)

Daniel, 1000000 thanks for your and MUA C Long’s hard work in the pre-wedding shoot. We never expected that you initiated to walk around all the places on the first day we arrived after a mid night tiring flight. What also amazed us was you and ah Long worked for 19 hours on the shooting day for us, and traveled total 8 places but still in energetic and professional mode. Even though we kept banned by those temple guys and station staffs for taking picture, you and ah Long still tried to hard to sneak in first to explore the place and briefed us the pose with ah Long as model. We believe it can never happen without such a cooperative team work of you and ah Long. We deeply appreciate for your professionalism and passion in talking those beautiful pictures and wonderful make up and hairdos. We will definitely recommend my friends to find you for photo shooting and MUA C Long Chung for make up in the future. We look forward in reviewing the pictures later. Keep in touch~

Testimony #26
Carrie and Fung (Pregnancy)

Thanks so much for bringing me another wonderful photo-shooting experience yesterday. I am lucky enough to find a professional and trustworthy photographer like YOU to witness and record my 2 precious moments in life. Per-wedding photos are definitely important to every girl but for me, maternity photos are even more important! It’s because pregnant ladies may not have other chances in life that perceive ourselves as beautiful, gorgeous, elegant and healthy even with our 40-something-inch waist length! I am looking forward to the birth of my baby girl as well as the new-born photo shooting session by you few months later! I am confident that your good hands can make another great page for my “life photo album”. My heartfelt thanks to you again!

Testimony #27
Kareena and Omesh (Hong Kong Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

It was about a year ago when we began our search for a photographer to take our pre-wedding photos. We had no idea what we should be looking for, who was hot in the market, what prices would be considered reasonable, etc. We were basically thinking how will we ever find “The One”?! When we came across Daniel’s website and looked at his work, we knew right way that Daniel would be “The One” who could do the perfect job for us. On the day of the shoot, Daniel showed up professionally prepared with a bucket full of energy. Taking into account the style of photos we were looking for, Daniel suggested great locations and provided the perfect make-up artist who did the make-up flawlessly and naturally. During the shoot, Daniel came up with various creative ideas and we were amused by how imaginative he can be. Although the weather turned bad as the day rolled along and we were both very tired from from hours of posing. Daniel was still full of energy and inspiration. We had an amazing day with Daniel and his crew. We were extremely happy with what Daniel and his team did for us and know without a doubt that we had made the right choice. We were also absolutely stunned at was delivered to us with the price paid – it was definitely the money. We are extremely excited that Daniel will also be shooting for us on our wedding day and simply can’t wait to see more of his wonderful work.

Testimony #28
Monica and Daniel (Hong Kong Prewedding + Pregnancy & Newborn)

My fiance and I were fortunate enough to have found Daniel Tam Ka Nam and had a very enjoyable shoot with him, that ended with many many stunning photos. Daniel is a very gifted photographer, and what strikes me most about him is how he manages to capture the joy and magic on the day and reflect those in the photos in such a classy and tasteful manner. His images not only fulfill what you had in mind, they exceed it. We cannot stress enough how happy we are to have entrusted him with our pre wedding shoot. We were indeed in very good hands. Thanks again Daniel!

Testimony #29
Edna and Dorian (Hong Kong Wedding Day)

Hi, Daniel, we just want to extend our appreciation to have Daniel Tam Ka Nam and hid creqws to be our wedding day photographer. Though we haven’t seen all the photos yet but your same day slideshow video were absolutely stunning and impressive to everyone. 朋友同屋企人都好鍾意,真係百看不厭! Actually our schedule wedding day was overrun, we were fortunate enough to have your prompt advice and idea on how to continue the photo shooting and captured every precious moment right on time with a perfect location. You are so well talented and your crews are just awesome! Thank you for everything! Look forward to seeing your wonderful work!

Testimony #30
Ceci and Anthony (Hong Kong Wedding Day)

Hi Daniel, words cannot express how lucky we feel to have you and your team to capture those precious moments on our wedding day. I’ve received so many compliments from friends and families telling us how those images brought tars into their eyes, even though, we were all laughing so hard in those photos. I guess, that’s your talent– to touch the bottom of people’s heart through those magical images you create!

Testimony #31
Manyi and Johnny (Prague Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

Thank you Daniel! We are so happy to have you as our photographer for the prewedding and big day. For taking the best shots once in a life time, I did search for many photographers online, but none of them attracted me like Daniel did. To be frank, the price of hiring Daniel may not be the cheapest, but the quality and service from Daniel are definitely the best! Our prewedding photos were taken in Prague. We are so grateful to have Daniel to carry us along the journey. Before heading to Prague, I was worrying about the preparation of the trip. He was such a casual and easy-going person to comfort me by answering me all the questions patiently, as well as offering different useful suggestions about the transportation or make-up. Because of his thoughtfulness, the process ran very smoothly. Even the weather at that time was a bit foggy and rainy, the photos were still very stunning. For our wedding day, again we could see what an experience photographer could do. For sure, he did manage the time well and follow the shooting schedule on time. But what impressed me the most was his suggestion to take photos for my parents and create a slideshow. When the video was played, all the relatives and guests were all very excited, creating a climax for our Big Day. This is an exclusive style and service which other photographer cannot give. All in a nutshell, as a photographer, Daniel got the talent in taking photos. He is so sensitive to the camera to capture the right moment. He was devoted for the best shots. As a friend, he communicated well with us, as well as being helpful and considerate to us all the time. We are very satisfied with the photo albums and canvas as well! Once again thank you Daniel!

Testimony #32
Yan and Billy (Venice, Paris Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day + Pregnancy)

歐洲影相之旅終於圓滿結束,多謝Daniel幫我地影左咁多靚相,山長水遠陪我地去凡爾賽,不辭勞苦為我地影好每一個shot,多謝你一落機就同我地去巴黎”sight-seeing”,你甚至比我地更著緊d相影得夠唔夠好,想起一年起一睇到你d相就一見鐘情,見面一次就決定join你,今日覺得自己好幸運遇到你,你不只是天份的藝術家,更是一個好有heart的攝影師,真的衷心感謝你Daniel!我好多謝我MUA C Long 幫我化左個好靚既妝同造型,全部我都好鐘意,除左兼顧化妝之外,萬能的C Long仲擔當燈童、紗童既角色,發揮得淋漓盡致,淋住雨都重打燈打得咁澤,C Long你好勁呀!呢個旅程真係幸苦你地兩位咁take care我地,識到你地兩位朋友真係好開心呢。

Testimony #33
Becky and Dt (Hong Kong Prewedding)

Many couples warn us that taking pre-wedding photos are tired and exhausting. Since we chose a foreign country and a foreign photographer to capture our pre-wedding photo it should be a very tough day for us because of many external factors such as weather, communication, culture etc. But on the shooting day, things were much different than we expected. Daniel and everyone in his team are friendly, willing to help and very professional which make us feel so comfortable and no stressful. We knew that this was the first time which Daniel ever took pictures with the Thai traditional wedding dress but we can feel that he did try his best to find the best solutions to make the shoots beautiful and special and the outcomes as we had a sneak peel through the camera are amazing, much better than other Thai photographer shoots who often take photo with Thai traditional dress. We enjoy every moment of this wonderful experiment and every time we take a look back at behind-the-scences photos, we get big smiles on our faces. We couldn’t wait too see the final production of our pre-wedding album and the best thing is: For us, they are not only beautiful photos, they are very much like unforgettable memories of a life event in a beautiful country with lovely people and for that, we would like to thank Daniel and his team from the bottom of our hearts and we wish you all the best!

Testimony #34
Gina and Robin (Hong Kong Prewedding)

Sorry for taking so long to write you a testimony. You know why? Because you suck!! You thought I was 16!! Too young to get married huh? hahahahahaa.. Even you suck, I have to admit that your work is unbelievably PERFECT, Daniel!! Robin and I were so amazed with your work. We like it so much!! And it was very nice to work with you as well! You and your team are very friendly which makes us had so much fun on the photoshoot. For those who still hesitating to do photoshoot with Daniel, don’t be!! His shots are the best and he edited his photos all by himself. Really.. Perfection is all he does. I am not exxagerating this. He really can take photos that actually he doesn’t have to edit at all because it’s already an excellent shots. But after he edited the photos, it becomes incredibly awesome! He is like “The God of Photography”. Trust me, Daniel is a legendary photographer that will never fail you. True story! After all, thank you so much, Daniel! We really do enjoy the photoshoot and hope to see you on the maternity shoot ^^

Testimony #35
Fion and Ignatius (LA Prewedding)

I guess it’s time to write a review for Master Tam! I have been really excited yet nervous about the photoshoot since Day 1 I decided to join the pre-wedding tour – we tried as much as we can to get the dress, book the place, research for locations for the photoshoot and just hope everything will go as smoothly as it could. To be honest, at the beginning things doesn’t go 100% like it ran in my mind, which got me really nervous!!! But thanks to Daniel’s excellent photography and interpersonal skills he reassured me that EVERYTHING will be ok, and it did!!!!! His work worthed EVERY CENT because he gave more than 100% to prepared for the photoshoot!!!!!!!! His passion and skills to photography, and his unique visions on each photoshoot location cannot be compared with any of the other photographers I’ve met in the past!!! Not to mention when my fiance and I were lying in bed exhausted to death, I got a facebook notice that he finished editing the first photo and tagged me at 3:30 A.M.!!!! (did I back to Hong Kong 11:00 a.m. the very same day?)I call it PASSION!!!!!!! Thank you so much again for doing our pre-wedding photoshoot and I look forward to see the rest of the masterpieces!!!

Testimony #36
Shirley and Charles (Hong Kong Prewedding)

Sorry it took so long to writer you a testimony, but you definitely deserve one! I knew about Daniel from a friend who was looking for a pre-wedding photographer at the time. When I got to check out his work, I was AMAZED at all the beautiful pictures he took. From then, I started “stalking” his Facebook and website and keep looking forward to new posts from him! I wasn’t even engaged at the time and already made a promise to myself that I would definitely fly back and book Daniel for my pre-wedding session if I was ever engaged! I was quite nervous on the day of photo-shoot due to weather (rainy & cold) and worried that photos wouldn’t come out great with bad weather. But thanks to Daniel and his team, they kept us stress free and really got to enjoy the day, not to mention that it stopped raining by the time we went for outdoor scenes I really enjoyed working with Daniel and his team, whom all presented professionalism and passion about what they are doing! All my friends and family that saw the pictures had nothing but compliments about them. They were also so amazed at how beautiful the beautiful the pictures are and it was funny to see many jaw-dropping reactions! Some were even so jealous I was able to have a session done with Daniel and wish they knew about him earlier! Daniel, you are definitely the master of beautiful pictures especially with the veil and wind! Thank you for set of great and beautiful pictures! Charles and I love them so much and just this testimony is not enough to express our gratitude for your hard work!

Testimony #37
Joycelin and Jacky (Paris Prewedding)

由於自己本身都係都係攝影人,對於結婚相有好高的要求,一直都搵唔到岩心水的攝影團隊,直至我睇到Daniel的相,就決定請佢幫我地影。 在巴黎影相時,C Long一朝早就幫Joycelin化左個靚妝,Daniel之後就教我地擺pose,短短幾分鐘就好似Model上身咁,又挺胸又收腹,仲有助手阿Rex,佢攞住D好重既的器材跑左成日,辛苦曬~~~ 影相私整個行程都安排得恰到好處,雖然要係好短時間之內去好多個景點,但係佢地的專業比到我地好大的信心,而且全程都唔覺得好辛苦,反而覺得時間過得好快添。 返到香港,我地好快就收到Daniel的相,見到輯相真係影得好靚,我地非常滿意。

Testimony #38
Catherine and Peter (Hong Kong Prewedding)

Daniel is definitely a perfect choice if you are looking for a photographer for your memorable moments. We chose Daniel to be our prewedding photographer because we were both impressed by his photos after seeing his work on the internet. Daniel’s photos are different from the other photographers. His photos always show a good balance between background and couples. Daniel’s photoshooting skill is very unique and this is what we like about his work. We stayed in Hong Kong for our prewedding photos and chose to shoot at the Peak, in Tai Mo Shan and Central. Although we had a tight schedule as the places are all far apart, we had a great day with Daniel and his team! We started our day at Daniel’s studio. After finishing make-up and hair-do by C Long and getting changed, Daniel started teaching us how to pose and smile naturally in front of camera. It was not an easy task for us as we are not models. Thanks to Daniel for the techniques which made our day a lot easier. It was comfortable to work with Daniel and his team. They are not only nice but also willing to satisfy our wants. We told Daniel we would like to capture sunset in Tai Mo Shan. It was quite foggy on our prewedding phototaking day, but Daniel still tried his best to take as many photos as he could hoping to have some good sunset photos. We told R that we would like to have the format of our prewedding video similar to Singafive, a famous youtube travel video that changes scene with high-five. R helped us to tape and edit the video as we requested. Daniel is passionate about his work. He did not mind working overtime. He is also a perfectionist striving for flawlessness. We could see the effort he put in taking each photo. His work and products are always of good quality. We are happy to have Daniel to be our prewedding photographer. It was a great experience. We will definitely find Daniel to capture our important moments again in the future! Thanks again Daniel, R and C Long!

Testimony #39
Silva and Victor (Hong Kong Prewedding + Hong Kong Wedding Day)

“Can you come out for a chat so can we can listen to your ideas? We haven’t done such thing before.” This is how it began to turn you from a “Ying-Sheung-Lo”(“photo guy” in Cantonese slang) to a witness who is second to the lawyer at the registration table on a day in Mar.2013. Curiosity drives excellence. I started the treasure hunt in Sep.2011 from nowhere but glancing different works of different photographers. You showed the most curiosity among other photographers I met. I was surprised that not many photographers had been asked to take photos on proposal day. This is good so we can make some funs. I was actually choosing a photographer who I might use him/her for Proposal, Pre-wedding, and Wedding day photos shooting. It was a hard decision to make because I was looking for someone who can do journalism, fine-art, and improvisation. I always believe a sole photographer may see more about us, which may take photos more lively with characteristics. I placed my bet on you. 4 months to proposal day, may thanks to your ideas and advice how to wrap this day better and safer so you wouldn’t miss any super duper important shots. On proposal day, it was a casual day taking casual photos in casual wears in most casual places. I was glad to knw it could be one of your easiest and enjoyable day(now I envy your job!). Nightfall, mission began and accomplishedd as planned. You’ve captured the precious moment right on time and spot on. Your crew did an excellent job and the video filming crew(Gabriel Wedding Video) made this night even flawless. It was always enjoyable to see how a mentally illed perfectionist to craft a photo-piece with his eyes and just a little bit of touch-up. So my sympathy to you for being picked on our pre-wedding and wedding day shooting, by a even more crazy man. Sep.2012 pre-wedding shotting day which to many people it’s the only day in their lives be a “famed” model from day to night. To make it funnier(to me) and worse(on you), I spent about 2 months time in seeking the most strangest, remote, and uncommon but amazing places in this city. The photos are speechlessly stunning. We like the way how you blended the people into a panoramic scenery. It would not be an easy job as you hadn’t been to those places before. However, your gifted shutter-pressing-finger made this day wonderful except not being able to fix my hardened pose and gestures. Now we became friends. Mar.2013 you are a friendly photographer on our wedding day. More or less the same like other typical Hong Kong style wedding as many others could expect. However, it is the family photos who caught the attention from all the guests. Your photos bridged the gap between two generations. Your heartful creativity is a wake-up call to us that a marriage is a continuation of a family. It could be an ordinary and simple shot of portrait but it is your sense and eyes which made things different. Not only the once-in-the-life moment is captured, you also made the photo speaks. To complete our wedding day, the long waited same-day-edit slideshow was a final surprise to everyone. It blew us away and re-defined what elements could be added to ordinary wedding-day photos. I don’t know how could you do it. Perhaps it is all about passion, creativity, determination, and uniqueness to transform yourself from a Ying-Sheung-Lo to “NOT QUITE A PHOTOGRAPHER”.

Testimony #40
Winky and Kenny (Hong Kong Prewedding + Newborn)

When Kenny and me were searching online for the pre-wedding photographer, we saw Daniel’s masterpiece online and all we can say is WOW! INCREDIBLE! We couldn’t have found anything better so we confirmed Daniel as the photographer for our pre-wedding ! From the first meetings with Daniel, he gave us professional advice on shooting location, wedding gown, look and feel to the photos… We really appreciate the time Daniel spent with us. He surely go extra mile for us !! Those advice are important especially when we had a tremendously difficult time in choosing the photos because they all are amazing ! Not only Kenny and me were thoroughly impressed by the beautiful photos captured by Daniel, many of my friends and my family members told me the photos are the best pre-wedding photo’s they’ve even seen. Thank you Daniel for helping us memorise such a special time once in a lifetime !! Affirmatively, We treasure these fabulous photos so much and use them as mobile wallpaper and decoration of our home!! We would definitely recommend Daniel !!



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